
What are 2 ways that scientists figured out which functions correspond to which regions in the brain
What are 2 ways that scientists figured out which functions correspond to which regions in the brain

Of the three, the cerebrum is most important in learning, since this is where higher-ordered functions like memory and reasoning occur. The brain consists of three principle parts – stem, cerebellum and cerebrum – as shown in Figure 1 below. The brain acts as a dense network of fiber pathways consisting of approximately 100 billion (10 10) neurons.

what are 2 ways that scientists figured out which functions correspond to which regions in the brain

To comprehend the way learning occurs in the brain, here’s a brief primer on its physiology. More sophisticated experiments with the brains of laboratory animals are stretching the bounds of our understanding further. New technologies like diffusion imaging have opened up the brain’s inner workings and allowed scientists to “see” what is going on inside the brain when people are engaged in learning. But it has only been in the last decade that neuroscience researchers have been able to go inside the brain and observe how learning actually occurs at the molecular level. We have known since antiquity that the seat of learning is the human brain.

what are 2 ways that scientists figured out which functions correspond to which regions in the brain

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  • What are 2 ways that scientists figured out which functions correspond to which regions in the brain